Texas law says that a Class A misdemeanor is an offense punishable by up to 365 days in county jail and/or a fine of up to $4,000. An enhanced Class A misdemeanor based on a prior Class A or State Jail Felony is punishable by confinement from 90 days up to 365 days in jail and/or a fine of up to $4,000. You may be eligible to receive up to two years community supervision or three years if you get extended on a motion to revoke or adjudicate.
What kinds of crimes are Class A misdemeanors? Some examples of Class A misdemeanors in Texas are:
Assault causing bodily injury
Bail jumping on a misdemeanor
Burglary of a vehicle
Cruelty to animals
DWI (2nd)
Evading arrest on foot
Interference with a 911 call
Possession of 2 to four ounces of marijuana
Resisting arrest
Unlawfully carrying a weapon
Violation of a protective order
I have handled hundreds of Class A cases in Texas, many of which have ended with the charges dropped. Even in cases where the charges are not dropped, I have helped many of my clients keep convictions off their record.
If handled properly, a criminal defense attorney may be able to get a Class A case dismissed and ultimately expunged. This entire process may get pricey so it is not for everyone. I try to maintain my reputation for being an affordable attorney, but the court costs, fees, and expenses can add up. University students, professionals, and individuals who have specific career or licensing goals may find hiring a criminal defense attorney to be worthwhile. Keep in mind that I offer an affordable flat-fee package for first-time offenders accused of possession of marijuana in an amount less than 4 ounces. I'm happy to help those with misdemeanor and/or felony charges in any of the following counties: Denton, Dallas, Cooke, Fannin, Lamar, Hunt, and Rockwall.
Contact my office if you would like to hire me to handle your Class A misdemeanor case in Texas.