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How To Dress For Court.

Sholdon Daniels

Man and woman in business casual clothes.

Dress to impress when you show up for court. Wear something similar to what you would wear to a job interview at a big corporation. After all, court is a place where important business is conducted. So if you have to appear in Grayson County, Fannin County, Collin County, or Dallas County for court, this article will help you decide what to wear.

Do not dress like you are on vacation. That means no baggy jeans, sweats, or shorts at all. Don't wear too much makeup or perfume either. Don't wear any clothes with inflammatory or offensive images that will be visible to others. Only wear clean, presentable, and professional attire. Best case would be a business suit.

Beautifully tailored suit.

If you cannot afford a suit, wear dark-colored slacks and a long-sleeve button down shirt or blouse. Wear your hair up in a bun, or pulled straight back into a ponytail without too many accessories or adornments in your hair. Men should be clean shaven or have their beards and mustaches groomed to look neat and professional.

Court is often a game of hurry-up-and-wait, so even though you need to dress professionally, you still need to make sure your clothes are comfortable. Don't wear shoes that are too small-it's simply not worth the pain. Do not wear flip-flops to Court! It makes you come off as arrogant and like you don't take the proceedings very seriously. So, wear actual shoes that cover your feet. Try not to wear short sleeves if you can help it, too. Even if you have ripped biceps, Court is not the place for you to pull the guns out.

Tattooed man wearing a fedora.
Courtroom Fashion Criminal.

If you don't have much money to buy new threads, you can always go over to your local Goodwill Store. I love Goodwill! Not only do I drop lots of my old things off at my local Goodwill, but I also shop there whenever I need something but I don't want to spend a mountain of cash. They always have blazers, dress shirts, shoes, and slacks. They even have business attire for women as well. I love the Goodwill on Texoma Parkway in Sherman because they have a computer store where they sell refurbished computers. I bought one from them when I started my law firm almost five years ago and I'm still using it!

I'm a firm believer that if you look good, you feel good. And that if you feel good, you do good, and good things happen to you. I strongly advise you try to look your very best when you show up at court.

Now that's how you dress for court!

If you need an attorney in Texas, call 1-844-SHOLDON.

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