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Where to Find Grants For Service Providers

Sholdon Daniels

Grants for businesses that offer services and consultations.

Service-based businesses, encompassing professionals such as lawyers, doctors, and consultants, play a pivotal role in our society. However, establishing and scaling such enterprises often requires a financial impetus that grants can provide. This post delves into various agencies and organizations that offer grants to service-based businesses, aiding in their growth and contribution to the community.

Federal Grants

The federal government is a significant source of grants for service-based providers. Websites like provide a centralized location to find and apply for federal grants.

  1. Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs often have opportunities for service-based businesses, especially those involved in research and development.

State and Local Grants

Each state has its own set of grant programs aimed at fostering economic development. Check with your local economic development office or state commerce department for available grants.

Private Foundations

Many private foundations provide grants to service providers. Some noteworthy ones include:

  1. The Kauffman Foundation: Supports entrepreneurs and is known for funding innovative projects.

  2. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation: Provides grants for health-related service businesses.

Corporate Grants

Numerous corporations offer grants to small businesses:

  1. FedEx Small Business Grant Contest: An annual competition awarding grants to innovative small businesses.

  2. Wells Fargo Community Giving Grants: Supports nonprofits and small businesses contributing to their local communities.

Industry-Specific Associations

Many industry associations offer grants to businesses within their sector. For example, the American Bar Association (ABA) and American Medical Association (AMA) have grant programs for legal and medical professionals respectively.


The quest for grant funding may initially seem overwhelming, yet with a structured approach and the right guidance, service-based businesses can secure the financial backing they need to flourish.

For personalized advice on grant sourcing for your service-based business, schedule a consultation with me, Attorney Sholdon Daniels. Follow me on Instagram or TikTok for more business insights, or call 1-844-SHOLDON for further information on how I can assist you in your grant funding journey.

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